10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police . Sometimes police go door-to-door to canvas an area where a crime ...

10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police 10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police

10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police

10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police

10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police. Sometimes police go door-to-door to canvas an area where a crime has occurred, asking if anyone saw or heard anything. The problem is that when police come to your door to ask questions, you have no idea if you are the target of the investigation or if they just want to find out more information. 2. Investigators. See more

10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police
10 Reasons to Contact a Criminal Attorney before Talking to Police from i.pinimg.com

Here are some important reasons. First off, remember that the police can lie about evidence that they have or any other factors of the case. They do not have to be honest. They will often try to.